Visit to Slovakia

We visited Slovakia between 10-11th October in 2017. as the Sasvár-Morvaőri Forestry of the Slovakian State Forestry invited us.
We exchanged experiences in connection with the culture of the autochthon poplar, propagating material and the restoration problems of the 91I0 Euro-Siberian oaks.

PhD Gábor Bárány, OAKEYLIFE project manager informed the hosts about the aims of the OAKYLIFE project program and its possibilities. He also invited the Slovakian foresters to visit us in the near future so that we can show them our results.

Tamás Szél , Assistant Head of Forest Management Department and László Csofcsics biomass production coordinator, from KEFAG Kiskunsági Erdészeti és Faipari Zrt. took part in this visit.

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