A report about one of the key species in the OAKEYLIFE project, the Scarce fritillary, was made for Kossuth Radio’s magazine, published Hajnal-Táj in June 2020.
Phd Csaba Vadász talked about OAKEYLIFE program how can protect the Scarce fritillary, and what results the forest habitat reconstruction program can have so far.
- this species is connected only to the inner forest edges in Peszér-forest, so we created forest ecological corridors for it
- Scarce fritillary can fly over larger areas, so the spread of the butterfly species is much more advantageous than we have known so far
The two radio reports were broadcast on June 10 and 13:
from 05.16.10: https://mediaklikk.hu/radio-lejatszo-kossuth/?date=2020-06-10_05-00-00&enddate=2020-06-10_06-10-00&ch=mr1
from 05.39.06 https://mediaklikk.hu/radio-lejatszo-kossuth/?date=2020-06-13_05-00-00&enddate=2020-06-13_06-08-00&ch=mr1