
Actions and roles

Coordinating Beneficiary: KEFAG Kiskunsági Erdészeti és Faipari Zrt.
Total costs of the project actions in € : 1 808 878
Beneficiary’s own contribution in € : 604 078
Amount of EU contribution requested in € : 1 200 000

A1 Creation of action plan, management guideline and overall project schedule and compilation of project performance indicators
A3 Hydrological and soil mapping of Hungarian project sites
C1 Elimination of invasive trees on area managed by KEFAG
C2 Reduction of scrub-cover of overgrown areas
C3 Conversion of forest structure of plantation formed by alien tree species into coppicing forest in the case of forest stands managed by KEFAG
C4 Recultivation of trunk-depots
C5 Creation and maintenance of ecological corridors for the Scarce Fritillary
C6 Restoration and maintenance of forest clearings on area managed by KEFAG
D3 Assessing the socio-economic impact of the project actions
D4 Assessing the project’s impact on ecosystem services
E1 Creation and maintenance of project website
E2 Public relation activities
E3 Non-institutional and institutional educational activities
E4 National and international networking
E5 Training staff and volunteers
E6 Opening Workshop
E7 Final Workshop
E8 Establishment and operation of a forest visitor centre in the project area
F1 Project management and project monitoring
F2 Independent financial audit
F3 After-LIFE Plan
F4 Monitoring (measuring) and reporting the performance indicators

Associated Beneficiary: Kiskunsági Nemzeti Park Igazgatóság
Total costs of the project actions in € : 681 129
Beneficiary’s own contribution in € : 88 929
Amount of EU contribution requested in € : 515 500

A2 Creation of GIS-database for the project area
C7 Elimination of invasive alien plant species by KNPD
C8 The reintroduction of silvipastoral systems to Peszér-adacs Meadows (HUKN20003)
C9 Creation of small-scale forest clearings by KNPD
C10 Improvement of conservation status of pre-forests of Euro-Siberian steppic woods with Quercus spp.
C11 Floral diversification of restored habitats
C12 Transformation of roadside bushy patches to forest-steppic Oak groves
C13 Creation of nursery for Pedunculated Oak saplings originating from verified sand-adapted genotypes
D5 Monitoring the effect of grazing in forests

Associated Beneficiary: Magyar Madártani és Természetvédelmi Egyesület
Total costs of the project actions in € : 195 480
Beneficiary’s own contribution in € : 15 480
Amount of EU contribution requested in € : 180 000

D1 Mapping pre-treatment and monitoring post-treatment occurence of alien species at Hungarian target sites
D2 Monitoring key species and habitats at the Hungarian target sites