Tag: protected species
The first phase of this year’s survey of the scarce fritillary has been completed – VIDEO
2019. July 13.
Adult butterflies (imagos) were surveyed in late May and early June in 2019. The survey was conducted by László Peregovits and members of the József Szalkay Association, as well as by the staff of the Kiskunság National Park Directorate.
Bird’s-nest orchid (Neottia nidus-avis)
2019. June 11.
This is a protected decaying orchid species. In the Peszér-forest we can find it more often in the closed oak groves.
Southern festoon (Zerynthia polyxena)
2019. June 10.
Our protected day-flying moths. The only host plant of the caterpillar is the European birthwort, which is a very common plant species, it occurs several times in the Peszér-forest, so the birthwort butterfly can be found in several places.
Kindergarteners from Kunpeszér watched the swarming of Euphydryas maturna
2019. May 24.
Over the past week (mid-May), a number of daytime butterfly species, including one of the area’s specialties, Euphydryas maturna, have been mass-swarmed in the Peszér-forest.
Tarantula of Kiskunság is the Lycosa singoriensis
2019. May 9.
Like most areas of Kiskunság, the Songarian spider (Lycosa singoriensis), the largest spider species in Hungary, occurs in the Peszér-forest.
One of the most beautiful orchids in the Peszér-forest is in bloom
2019. May 8.
For many, it is even new that wild orchids can be found in Hungary – even though the number of domestic species exceeds 65.
The Ophrys are blooming in the Peszér-forest
2019. May 8.
In the Peszér-forest, four Ophrys species can be found in the nature conservation area of special importance: the spider orchid (Ophrys sphegodes), the fly orchid (Ophrys insectifera), the bee orchid (Ophrys apifera) and the stag orchid (Ophrys oestrifera).
Hemaris tytius, the “mini-hummingbird” of the Peszér-forest
2019. April 29.
One of the protected butterfly species in the Peszér-forest is the narrow-bordered bee hawk-moth (Hemaris tytius).
What can we do for poorly spreading plant species?
2019. April 25.
Active habitat restoration activities are taking place within the framework of the OAKEYLIFE project. In our article we write about plant species living in the Peszér-forest and its immediate surroundings, which are only present in one or two smaller production areas, and which we have set as our goal to protect.
Scarce swallowtail (Iphiclides podalirius) – video
2019. April 17.
The scarce swallowtail (Iphiclides podalirius) is a butterfly belonging to the family Papilionidae. It is also called the sail swallowtail or pear-tree swallowtail.